This reimagined Italian classic is a wonderful treat to start off any meal. It is the perfect bite sized festive appetiser. Roll and coat the Arancini ahead of time and store them in the fridge.
Heat them up just when your guests arrive and delight them with the taste of a classic risotto, with added crunch and a fresh black pepper bite.

Keep your Arancini small, and bite sized – to encourage your guests to come back for more. Cheesy, gooey goodness awaits!


50ml vegetable oil

250g Carnaroli risotto rice

1 yellow onion – finely diced

100ml white wine

1l vegetable stock, heated

300g grated Zandam Pepato

100g grated Parmigiano Reggiano

5g salt

5g fresh cracked black pepper

100g butter

Pane mix

2 eggs and a splash of milk

seasoned flour

Panko breadcrumbs


  1. Heat oil on low heat and simmer your diced onions.
  2. Add the Carnaroli rice and toast in the oil for a minute or so.
  3. Add the white wine and deglaze the pan. Reduce until almost fully absorbed by the rice.
  4. Add the hot stock one ladle at a time and allow the rice to swell and cook.
  5. Once the rice is al dente, but no longer chalky, add the grated cheese and mix well.
  6. Agitating the starches in the rice will help create a super silky and creamy base.
  7. Add salt and pepper to taste, place in a container and cool down in the fridge.
  8. Once the risotto has stiffened and set, roll into bite sized balls.
  9. Coat each ball in seasoned flour, egg mixture and lastly roll in the panko breadcrumbs.
  10. Fry at 180̊C until golden brown and the centre is warm and gooey.


Styling and photography by Jomeri Mouton. Recipe by Carla Jankelowitz.



Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Monday to Thursday: 08H00-16H30
Friday: 08H00-15H00

© 2020 Zandam Cheese  |  All Rights Reserved 
ADDRESS: R312 Lichtenburg Road, Durbanville, 7551
MAP: Click to view in Google Maps
TEL: +27 21 976 9794

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