Uncompromising quality has a place at our table

Our cheese makes it


The Zandam-lifestyle is rooted in quality, leisurely comfort and indulgent luxury. We are your partner in any culinary adventure – whether you choose to take a trip to a small Italian street café, make the perfect, cheesy weekday pizza for your family, or just want to stay local with a lekker crunchy, fully-packed braaibroodjie. So, get a hold of the cheese, pass down those recipes and make this a blissful family affair.


Saturday & Sunday: Closed
Monday to Thursday: 08H00-16H30
Friday: 08H00-15H00

© 2020 Zandam Cheese  |  All Rights Reserved 
ADDRESS: R312 Lichtenburg Road, Durbanville, 7551
MAP: Click to view in Google Maps
TEL: +27 21 976 9794

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